Patryk, an infamous lolcow who is known for doing "chereoke" (rubbing shit on himself) has attempted to nuke the server by deleting the gem channels, the general channel, the gembait channel, etcetra, this has left the server in a state of slight decrease of activity.
BGN founder Sigma Rizzus failed to interview infamous anti-gondalian
Dalton conant, infamously known for being doxxed and calling gondal a place of "pedophilia and scat" which lead to cp jokes being banned by ara, the server owner. sigma rizzus, the BGN founder, wanted to interview dalton in /metal. Dalton however denied to the interview seeing how he didnt want to discuss politics and suspected sigma rizzus of being an old of a banned user who sent him scat porn.
Rizzus banned yet again.
Rizzus got banned after jokingly saying sexual remarks to an individual, who was not offended by his remarks. Discord moderation has yet again done its worst deed, being fucking retarded.